This is Sarah Freeman! A very important Sarah in my life! Oh yes! We met through a mutual friend who connected us on the possibility of going on a trip to India altogether back in 2006/2007. And we never met in person at that point, but we had SO MUCH in common--we continued to talk on the phone ALL YEAR! Ha! This was becoming one of the strangest phenonomons of the times--some people have cyber friendships--we were having a phone friendship! We ended up working together quite a bit by telephone bonding over our mutual passions, similar lifepaths, and friends in common and we ended up working together as Sarah was founding the very beginnings of Faceless International and I was coming as a strong partner through prayer and support! Sarah is a brave woman--quitting her job in Florida and moving to Nashville to start a non-profit that helps educate young people on issues of injustice, poverty, and in particular the human trafficking issue--which wasn't getting as much press back in that day! Faceless also organizes trips for young people and people in the music industry to take trips overseas to see the needs firsthand so that they can help "Be the Change" they want to see in the world! :-)
I was there for the discussion at the very beginning and offering my strong support and encouragent to Sarah along the way! She has been a faithful and courageous woman to risk everything and continue living day to day contending for the future of this organization believing that God placed the call in her heart for a reason. Through all the blood, sweat, and tears...she does not give up...but continues to encourage others in their call and to encourage us all--especially through the Word of God everyday!
I love this woman! The first time we met it was in partnership over sharing a vending booth for Faceless International and Zenia Clothing--all in support of the same issues. My friend Molly and I camped with the masses in Bushnell, IL as the parties went all day and all night and the next year I opted for the comfort of Sarah's hotel!
We have never lived in the same city (except once we overlapped in Los Angeles for several weeks and thought we'd died and gone to heaven!) :-) We have only seen each other in cities that were not our own! We have never seen each other in our hometowns or environments!
But we are quite great friends! This woman I know I can call for encouragent, wisdom, prayer, a slap in the face! :-) Anything...she understands both my heart and my decision making process which is quite a feat. She understands how to partner with friends from all places and somehow let the Body be the Body in terms of different parts working together, etc...
We have some mutual friends in common--and though our friend Stephen introduced us--our friendship has surpassed what anyone in that circumferance ever expected!!!
God is good! Sarah and I have had the same timeline and journey for starting our businesses, raising awareness on certain issues, impacting people in the industries, loving the children of the world, and providing opportunities for people to go overseas!! I am so proud of her for moving ahead--brave and sometimes feeling alone--fighting for the destiny that I know the Lord has called her to!
We have both been on the journey of being single woman called to a very strange lifestyle of faith--both longing for a place to settle in relationship--
I love this woman!! She is so faithful!!! She is one who is faithful and true!!! :-)
And she sharpens me!!
I stand in support of this woman in her heart, her faith, her decision making, and her desire to see the world changed through Christ in us! She is a beautiful example of a human being and I am honored and favored in my life to KNOW her!
God has blessed me and I am always smiling when I hear her voice on my telephone line!
Next stop Nashville! ;-)
Love you lady!!
God is FOR you!!! Romans 8.
Joshua 1:9
Lamentations 3:19-26
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