Saturday, November 08, 2008

He sets the lonely in families.

Psalm 68:6 "God sets the lonely in families."

Last night I dreamed that I was traveling the world and I was doing many things on this trip. I was on the trip alone, but there were many, many people around me. I stepped onto a stage and I don't know if there were any people there or not (I don't remember seeing any people). But the Lord had given me a message of power and I released it over the microphone and the message went out. I don't know what I said, but I know that it was the power of God and the arrows of the Lord going deep and far. I watched a video of it later in the dream and the video had no sound. I never heard what I said, but knew the arrows of the Lord were coming out.

When I woke up I realized that the word I was giving with my life in that dream was Psalm 68:6 "God sets the lonely in families." And the Lord showed me the great need for this message--not just in words--but in His desire to bring RESTORATION to families--to the broken hearts in the inner city and also to the orphans of the world. The Lord is bringing restoration to the family.

Being raised in a loving family is something the enemy is trying to destroy. He has already wreaked havoc and brought destruction in the lives of so many people. God is calling us to take and live a different approach and to take up this calling and anointing for the restoration of the family.

In the dream the Lord showed me that this would be a huge life message that would be lived out and carried out by me and my husband. There is a world out there that has no idea what it means to be loved in the context of a family and God is wanting to restore that to those who have never had. He is wanting to bring healing to devastation and to protect, defend, and restore the family unit in America and all over the world! He wants the orphans to know He sets the lonely in families and that they are not alone. He wants those who have never had fathers or husbands or mothers or brothers to know that they are loved and that there is a God who loves them and people around them who represent the face of God right in front of them.

Oh Lord, please bring restoration to the families of the world. Turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children to their fathers. Please restore the broken hearts of this generation and meet the lonely and tell them they are not alone. And Lord, let us carry this mantle of anointing for family and raise a generation who will know you as Father and Husband and who will be cared for by fathers and mothers who know that this destruction has been a specific attack.

May the grace of God come under the many who are anointed to carry this call for family and to trumpet it while raising the next generation so that there can be a true turning of the hearts of the fathers and children toward one another. I pray this in the name of Jesus--especially for the orphans and inner city children and broken families of the world.


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