Friday, November 28, 2008

More on the White Horses...

Here is a poem-prayer written by another for a friend of mine. Someone sent this poem to me b/c they thought I may find it comforting in general. Funny enough, I had just written the other poem below (Running Horses: Revolution) the night before. They had no idea what had been going on in my heart this last week regarding these topics. God, help us all who are faithful in love with You and who want our strength to be bridled without losing our spirit. I remember that someone once prayed and prophesied over me that I am like the sword maiden in Lord of the Rings who is mighty with the sword and longs to be free. (Well, that doesn't mean I don't thrive in just means I long to be understood in that.) :-)

There is a reason for that passion. It is not meant to keep people away or to be independent. It is meant to be the fullness of what and who we are in the fullness of our free spirit. It is meant to be brought into the fullness of strength and the fullness of love and the fullness of running. It is not independence. It is not rebellion. It is not impossible to be bridled or brought into a pack. It is just a flavor of beauty that is meant to be all that it is meant to be. The easiest way to crush the spirit of one who is free is to tell it that it has to be something other than what it is made to be....

Thank you to the one who sent me this poem. It was so timely and needed. I appreciate this and all that the Lord is teaching me regarding all of this at this time.... This topic has come up through a variety of circumstances and I am learning that I have to trust others that just because they want to harness that strength that they are not going to crush my spirit.

I am free.

Heavenly Father
I praise You for Your daughter
like a white stallion
who cannot be bridled
Though they may try

though they have the bit in her mouth
though they surround her and pull her down to tame her
they cannot
she won't have it
Just a gentle touch of the windin her mane
is enough to send her rearing
and crying out to God, "Set me free from them."

Though they are many they cannot hold her
cannot break the spirit rising now
cannot give her to the marketplaceto be sold
to one other than her Maker

Her spirit is strong and will not be broken
courageous and will not falter
Until she is running freely in the groves and along shores
exalting Jesus as Lord.

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