This is my friend Jennie! She dances into a room and leaves a wake of grace with her presence. She is a lovely and gifted person. She amazes me with her ability to see, communicate, and act.... She currently lives in Phoenix, AZ where the sun always shines. She has been my friend, coworker, roommate, confidant, and faithful partner of friendship for years! This woman is my sister and my friend for life. I think the word that honestly describes our friendship is: FRIENDSHIP!
Everything that a friend should be is found in this woman!
First of all, how we met... Jennie and I were both hired as undergraduate students to be Resident Assistants in our campus residence halls! We were having an orientation and she couldn't eat the bread and I wouldn't eat the meat on our sandwiches. So..we switched our food. I ate her bread and she ate my meat! And that was the beginning of it all! Somehow we were bonded together over the course of that year. I'm not sure if either of us really know how it exactly happened. I think it may have started to occur when we were both chosen to be in a mock dance rendition of Brittany Spear's "Oops, I Did it Again" in the SNOC production the first week of orientation. I think that's where we probably bonded. Then throughout the year we must have run into each other a lot and I have only a few memories of seeing Jennie during the actual year. However, one thing that I KNOW we also bonded over that year was our common passion for campus revival and gathering students together to pray that God would have His way in our campus and our school and our lives....
The next year Jennie and I continued staying in relationship and commonly bonding over our passions for God and the arts! Jennie danced in the First Annual Dance Showcase ever to hit CU's campus and it was amazing to have her be a part. She was on the leadership team for the dance program at CU. She was an Admissions Counselor also that year. The next year I got hired as an Admissions Counselor for CU after graduation and Jennie and I and 2 other girls from the office all moved in together into the little yellow house on Ontario! Now Jennie and I were friends, coworkers, and roommates!
Needless to say there are too many memories to tell! Jennie and I have been together through the journeys of life! Through relationship trials, family traumas, my Dad's death, job and career decisions, health situations, and so much more--we have always been there through the daily ins and outs of it all! We have traveled to other countries separately and parts of the US in each other's company. We have visited and stayed with each other's families and gotten to know each other's worlds so well! This is a genuinely committed friendship for life!
Jennie is one of the MOST gifted people I have ever known! She was my life coach while she was gaining her certification and it was one of the most helpful and timely gifts God could have given me at that time. When Jennie came back from doing various work in the country of Bosnia she moved back in and I took her through the health counseling program that I was getting certified in. We have always had so much in common! Good memories! Good friends, good experiences, and good people in common!
We have been together in just about every contextual realm that I can possibly think of: work, play, family, fun stuff. Our most precious times have probably been in dance and worship and prayer together and our long talks about everything and just the daily life stuff--eating, hanging out, getting ready to go places, etc! Its just fun no matter what. Probably some of my best memories with Jennie are the times of just being together and talking.
I went to visit Jennie a few weeks ago in Phoenix and remembered that we have another passion in common--shopping! This woman is the best at finding deals of anyone I know! She shopped the clearance racks for me while I was there and ended up finding me a whole new wardrobe!
Girls just wanna have fun! We have a myriad of things in common that I cannot even name them all here! So many precious memories!
Here are a few though:
*staying the whole week with me the week that my father died and cleaning the whole house for my mom after all our guests!
*visiting her family in Blanchard, MI and Phoenix, AZ!
*praise and worship times with friends
*dance team and showcases at CU
*drinking tea and eating together
*going out together--anywhere
*Jennie: strategic lifecoach!
*working together in the office at CU, the dream team, and the canary suits!
*that big party we threw in 05 that got the city called on us for having over 100 people in the house!
*prayer times together at CU
*the faculty/staff prayer meetings with Dr. Hagerty
*playing the piano and singing (and soaking)
*our Vineyards churches
*you roomed with both my sister and me!
*Theta Chicka Zeta
*all our talks about health and healing houses
*international travel and mission
*relational drama in our lives
*there are millions of memories I am sure I have to leave off this list!
Thank you, Jennie, for everything! You are one who is constantly faithful and I know we will always know and love each other--in ways that are experienced UNcommonly to man! We can pick up from anywhere and be there (where? anywhere!!) at any time and know that being together in this life is GOOD! We know we need to be doing it more!
I love you so much and I know that you know it! But I hope you can REALLY know it! I know that being around you (for me) always means I can just be who I am and be*loved. We already know each other well and love each other deeply. You can have a great base in that to really sharpen one another and live your life! For the glory of God! We know each other well and yet we still surprise each other everyday!
We will always be friends for life-- location, men, and all other things aside. You and I will be friends for life! We know God's unfolding purposes for our lives and this friendship are for our joy and also for His greater good! You know it!!! And I love it!! Love, love, love you!
Thank you for ALWAYS speaking the truth to me!! You're one of the people in my life who I know ALWAYS will tell me the truth--to sharpen me and discern with me and walk with me. You don't ever hold back your thoughts and observations. You love me too much! And I can't thank you enough for that!!! Love, love, love you!! Sooooooo much!!
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
Hallelujah! Amen!
Everything that a friend should be is found in this woman!
First of all, how we met... Jennie and I were both hired as undergraduate students to be Resident Assistants in our campus residence halls! We were having an orientation and she couldn't eat the bread and I wouldn't eat the meat on our sandwiches. So..we switched our food. I ate her bread and she ate my meat! And that was the beginning of it all! Somehow we were bonded together over the course of that year. I'm not sure if either of us really know how it exactly happened. I think it may have started to occur when we were both chosen to be in a mock dance rendition of Brittany Spear's "Oops, I Did it Again" in the SNOC production the first week of orientation. I think that's where we probably bonded. Then throughout the year we must have run into each other a lot and I have only a few memories of seeing Jennie during the actual year. However, one thing that I KNOW we also bonded over that year was our common passion for campus revival and gathering students together to pray that God would have His way in our campus and our school and our lives....
The next year Jennie and I continued staying in relationship and commonly bonding over our passions for God and the arts! Jennie danced in the First Annual Dance Showcase ever to hit CU's campus and it was amazing to have her be a part. She was on the leadership team for the dance program at CU. She was an Admissions Counselor also that year. The next year I got hired as an Admissions Counselor for CU after graduation and Jennie and I and 2 other girls from the office all moved in together into the little yellow house on Ontario! Now Jennie and I were friends, coworkers, and roommates!
Needless to say there are too many memories to tell! Jennie and I have been together through the journeys of life! Through relationship trials, family traumas, my Dad's death, job and career decisions, health situations, and so much more--we have always been there through the daily ins and outs of it all! We have traveled to other countries separately and parts of the US in each other's company. We have visited and stayed with each other's families and gotten to know each other's worlds so well! This is a genuinely committed friendship for life!
Jennie is one of the MOST gifted people I have ever known! She was my life coach while she was gaining her certification and it was one of the most helpful and timely gifts God could have given me at that time. When Jennie came back from doing various work in the country of Bosnia she moved back in and I took her through the health counseling program that I was getting certified in. We have always had so much in common! Good memories! Good friends, good experiences, and good people in common!
We have been together in just about every contextual realm that I can possibly think of: work, play, family, fun stuff. Our most precious times have probably been in dance and worship and prayer together and our long talks about everything and just the daily life stuff--eating, hanging out, getting ready to go places, etc! Its just fun no matter what. Probably some of my best memories with Jennie are the times of just being together and talking.
I went to visit Jennie a few weeks ago in Phoenix and remembered that we have another passion in common--shopping! This woman is the best at finding deals of anyone I know! She shopped the clearance racks for me while I was there and ended up finding me a whole new wardrobe!
Girls just wanna have fun! We have a myriad of things in common that I cannot even name them all here! So many precious memories!
Here are a few though:
*staying the whole week with me the week that my father died and cleaning the whole house for my mom after all our guests!
*visiting her family in Blanchard, MI and Phoenix, AZ!
*praise and worship times with friends
*dance team and showcases at CU
*drinking tea and eating together
*going out together--anywhere
*Jennie: strategic lifecoach!
*working together in the office at CU, the dream team, and the canary suits!
*that big party we threw in 05 that got the city called on us for having over 100 people in the house!
*prayer times together at CU
*the faculty/staff prayer meetings with Dr. Hagerty
*playing the piano and singing (and soaking)
*our Vineyards churches
*you roomed with both my sister and me!
*Theta Chicka Zeta
*all our talks about health and healing houses
*international travel and mission
*relational drama in our lives
*there are millions of memories I am sure I have to leave off this list!
Thank you, Jennie, for everything! You are one who is constantly faithful and I know we will always know and love each other--in ways that are experienced UNcommonly to man! We can pick up from anywhere and be there (where? anywhere!!) at any time and know that being together in this life is GOOD! We know we need to be doing it more!
I love you so much and I know that you know it! But I hope you can REALLY know it! I know that being around you (for me) always means I can just be who I am and be*loved. We already know each other well and love each other deeply. You can have a great base in that to really sharpen one another and live your life! For the glory of God! We know each other well and yet we still surprise each other everyday!
We will always be friends for life-- location, men, and all other things aside. You and I will be friends for life! We know God's unfolding purposes for our lives and this friendship are for our joy and also for His greater good! You know it!!! And I love it!! Love, love, love you!
Thank you for ALWAYS speaking the truth to me!! You're one of the people in my life who I know ALWAYS will tell me the truth--to sharpen me and discern with me and walk with me. You don't ever hold back your thoughts and observations. You love me too much! And I can't thank you enough for that!!! Love, love, love you!! Sooooooo much!!
This posts falls glaringly short! But I love you friend! I will probably continue to add and change this! I wanted to post it now b/c I am too excited to get it on here! I love you and I will always love you! Thank you for being the most treasured and faithful friend!!!
All my love!
Here's another song that came to mind while I was writing and praying for you!
In Christ Alone
All my love!
Here's another song that came to mind while I was writing and praying for you!
In Christ Alone
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisified.
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisified.
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from HIS hand!
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from HIS hand!
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
Hallelujah! Amen!
1 comment:
You are so blessed to have such a friend, and she is blessed to have you. God has been good to you both, enjoy your friendship and I can tell you appreciate it......God Bless
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