This bride is my sista for life. She is a kindred spirit and covenant sister. We met in a coffee shop. We saw each other from across the room and both thought..."Hm...that looks like a person that I need to talk to." I invited her to come sit at my table and talk and we didn't stop talking for a LONG TIME! In that time, we learned that we had SO MUCH in common it was definitely not by accident that the Lord was hooking us up. We had the same heart and passion for God and chemistry in the way He works in our lives. We knew something was up.
When we met, Nancy was going through a really hard time. I also was going through a really hard time. However, one of the things Nancy was experiencing centered around health concerns in which food had become an enemy and virtually everything she was eating was causing her pain. She wanted to be healed. I told her that I believed God wanted everyone to be able to eat the foods that He created. (Getting sick from processed foods is one thing...sugar, etc..., but getting sick from foods that God created for us to be able to eat and enjoy was a totally different story.) I told her I saw a picture of a banqueting table and it was full of beautiful foods and that God was going to heal her for sure. I knew that He would.
During that conversation, Nancy told me she had had a dream (previous to meeting me) about a friend named Sarah that God was bringing into her life who was feeding her strawberries and showing her all these different foods. She also had another dream that this girl was standing behind a table selling t-shirts that had trees of life on them. Little did she know at that time that she was about to meet a friend named Sarah who was a holistic health counselor and who had been through many of her exact same health problems previously and who could say with authority that God is able to heal her! Nor did she realize at that time this new friend named Sarah had also recently started a clothing line that was selling t-shirts that were meant to bring messages of hope and life to especially women and children in this culture.
It was chemistry at work! The Holy Spirit was our common bond and we started meeting for coffee in this same coffee shop regularly! We talked about everything! It was so fun! We were there for each other in different ways. We would laugh and be soooo joyful and cry our eyes out at different times. We would cast out demons together and minister to each other and the many others around us--on the street or in a ministry setting or anywhere!
Nancy and I cast demons out of my house that had been tormenting me and others for over a year once. We would go to random places and yell and scream that Jesus is Lord and jump and down and shout things into the heavenly realms! We called down the Kingdom and the fullness of it! We shouted out loud to all of creation and everyone within the sound of our voices!
We prayed for ourselves and our husbands (future) and our friends to be healed and to be filled with the Spirit and to have peace.
I remember when her husband (now) Paul started calling her before they were married. She didn't even know if she liked him yet, but I told her... "Hang on to this one. This man is a prayer warrior. I can tell. He's a good one. I definitely think you should keep him around." Shortly thereafter, Paul came to visit Nancy on our birthday weekend (Nancy-September 15, Sarah-September 16!) and when I saw them together I thought..."Wow! I don't even know what is going on here! I have never seen anything like this!" Every relationship has characteristics that make it unique and special and fun, but these two would just sit on the couch and look at each other and smile. I would walk in and think "What it in the world did I just walk into?" There was no talking....just perfect peace and joy! :-) I told Nancy that I really felt like they had something special!
We went our separate ways. I went on my adventures in traveling this year. Next thing I knew...the two of them were getting married!
The thing that characterizes Paul and Nancy's relationship is their peace and joy and their unity in the Spirit. They are ONE! And "what God has joined together let no man tear apart!" :-)
I got to be a part of their wedding this week and was honored to give the speech at their toast! I love these two and we are all cut of the same mold!
The wedding was awesome b/c being with Nancy reminds me of the freedom that we truly have to be crazy and be special and be loved! There has always been total freedom in our relationship no matter what! We have been through some crazy things together--really the worst of times!!! But we were always there...always with God...always on our knees together with and for each other!
I can't tell you how many times she has called this year right in my moment of absolute need and said, "Sarah! I was praying for you and the Holy Spirit told me...." And yes, it has always been exactly what I have needed. (Thank you Holy Spirit...you are so faithful to Your intercessors and your Bride!) This woman has gotten out of bed in the middle of the night to pray and intercede and hear things for me! (Thank you so much, lady! You know it means so much! Thank you!)
Nancy and I have so much in common--in personality and in spirit! We had this crazy thing happen when we were together visiting her parents in Canada. The Lord confirmed that we would be friends for life in that moment. It was amazing what God can do in the lives of friends! :-)
Being with Nancy is just fun. Its just nice to be when you don't have to try. You just relax being you and you just automatically fit. :-) We partied hard in the most relaxing of ways day and night all week. Ate meals together. Relaxed. Ran errands. Re-enacted funny stories. Entertained visitors. Prayed. Worshiped. Laughed. Cried. (Tears of joy this time!)
Freedom is such a sweet sweet song! I miss my Nancy when we are away (which is very often since we are coast to coast now!) But I am so happy to have gained a Paul in my life. Thank you both for coming to bat for me in the times that I needed you. Thanks for visiting and staying and having me into your new home this week and your new life together!
You know I love you and I am FILLED with JOY! OUTRAGEOUS JOY!!!!!! I LOVE BEING WITH YOU!!
I love you for life! :-) I can't wait to watch this grand story unfold! I know it is just the beginning of more amazing intersections of our lives! I love watching the unfolding of God's purposes and love in our lives! We know we are seeing greater and greater things! (Can't even handle it!!!) ;-) His Kingdom is here and COMING in FULL! (Yeah!!)
Nancy, my friend! You have been healed! Jesus has healed you and sent you this priceless man who loves Him first and loves you second! Hallelujah! You are blessed beyond measure! Alleluia! Alleluia!! Rejoice!!! Thank you, Lord, for your perfect love and your perfect healing and your perfect restoration to all things-including Nancy's body, soul, mind, spirit, and strength!
Perfect love cast out fear!
And we say... MORE LORD!!! MORE! MORE!! MORE!!!!! MORE!!!!! MORE!!!!!
I love you Nancy and Paul! I am so glad to call you friends for life!
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."
Proverbs 3:3,4
"I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and gall. I well remember, the bitterness and gall. I well remember them and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therfore have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3: 19-23
(Wow! Nance-you have been through a lot! Praise God for His faithfulness, mercy, and LOVE! His goodness and compassions are new every morning! He has blessed you forever anointed you with joy! Your cup runneth over! )
Here is a chapter I felt God gave me as I am writing this and praying over you.
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, a]">[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
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