Thursday, June 04, 2009

Conversations with Love (Ruth Senter)

So, then, enter my presence--not to pay the mortgage but to savor My love. Come to me as though the slate is clear. It is. Come and enjoy My love. Leave your sense of indebtedness at the door.

As you come to Me released from the bondage of debt, hold your head high. Look Me in the eyes. Sit quietly, without lengthly explanations, without apologies, without promises to try harder or be more punctual with the payments. you do not have to hurry off to get back to work. you have nothing to pay. You are debt-free.

When it gets right down to it, My child, you can do nothing for Me; I've done it all for you. I do not need your service. My work will get done with or without you. I am before all things, and in Me all things hold together. Everything held together before you came on the scene, and everything will hold together when you leave the scene. You need not work so hard at control.

I also know how hard you work to make Me look good, how conscientious your efforts before the watching world. True, they do watch. Your reproduction of Me is important. But I am not tarnished because what you do may blur My image sometimes.

Yours is not the only picture others have of Me. I paint Myself in the sunsets, write Myself on the ocean floor, print My footsteps in the clouds, plant My name among the redwoods. I imprint Myself on people near and far. I am beyond your meager picture frame that houses My image. If you fail in your PR efforts, I am not without witness. Even the rocks cry out.

...Come spend time with Me, and others will notice. "Here is one who is loved. She has nothing to prove. See how relaxed, how unpretentious. No tooting horn, waving banners, proclaimed accomplishments. She's comfortable to be around. Love is written all over her face." People who don't need to prove anything are My best representatives.

You want to know how to motivate others to do love? It isn't by doing more love so you can be their model. It's by coming close to Me, letting My love soak into you like water saturating a sponge. Others will know when you are full. When their lives touch yours, love will seep out. Then it will be My love that motivates them, not your deeds.

Choose one thing: to come near.


brooke sellers said...

oh how i needed to hear this

Linda Worden said...

I found this blog by doing a search for Ruth Senter. I knew her in the early 80's but lost track of her after I moved to TX. I really enjoyed your post. It is so deep, insightful and truthful. Keep sharing your thoughts and stay grounded on the rock of ages.