Sunday, June 07, 2009

Put your hands to the plow!

Yesterday as I was praying I saw a picture of wings with feet on them.
Putting feet on my dreams. Yes, yes, yes.

It is time soon to get the move on! Blessings, blessings! My time in Michigan is almost done now!

God bless Michigan! God, thank you for the Ontario House! God bless these women! Bless Grand Rapids. I love this local culture.

God bless Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Myanmar. God bless this humble home. Thank you for the simple joys of being here. Yesterday I was reminded that this time is supposed to be fun! I actually didn't intend on staying this long! But praise God I am steeping in my local culture. I will surely miss it when I am away.

Earlier in the year friends of mine told me that while praying they saw pictures of my coming down the stairs and descending a staircase and then not being able to turn around and go back up. It was only meant for going down. Similarly another picture of putting my feet on the ground. But... I like this picture the best because it had angel wings with feet. And I get it. :-)

Time to move on from here. Oh Lord. You are so good. In your mercy You make a way.

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