Sunday, January 22, 2006

"Laughter is carbonated holiness."

--Anne Lamott

Truth and People

"We might not have time to pursue every dream, so we must choose to spend time on what's important. Successful people learn to eliminate nonessentials, those things that won't matter ten years from now. We saw earlier that only two things will last forever, truth and people. Invest your life in those things that will outlast you."
--Tommy Barnett

My dream...

Lord, give me a dream
A very large dream
That is so enormous
It cannot be contained.
A dream so very large
It cannot be controlled by me,
Maintained or grown by me,
And may it outlive me by 1000%.

May your gifts to me be multiplied
And invested wisely
To build your dream.
To please your heart.
To bless the world.

May the castle of my imagination
Be a place where your glory can dwell.
And may your word take root in me
And bring forth the riches of Christ
That give life to the world.